Sometimes it might be necessary to message all users in a guild, but instead of messaging one after the other; why not include a function to message all “at once”? In order to not be rate-limited, I have included a timeout/delay after each message, and as always replace LOG_CHANNEL_ID with your channels ID, if applicable.
async execute(message, args) { const dato = new Date(); dato.setHours(dato.getHours() + 2); const logchannel = 'LOG_CHANNEL_ID'; if (!message.member.hasPermission(`ADMINISTRATOR`)) {`You don't have permission to use this command!`); message.client.channels.cache.get(logchannel).send(`${} tried using DMALL! ` + dato.toLocaleTimeString() + dato.toLocaleDateString()); return; } else { const delay = (msec) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, msec)); const sendMessage = args.join(" "); await delay(1000); let interval = 500; // how much time should the delay between two iterations be (in milliseconds)? let promise = Promise.resolve(); message.guild.members.cache.forEach(function (user) { promise = promise.then(function () { if ( != { user.send(sendMessage); return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, interval); }); } }); }); message.client.channels.cache.get(logchannel).send(`${} sent a DM to all members of: **${}**!` + dato.toLocaleTimeString() + dato.toLocaleDateString()); } }
Since I’m using Discord.js v12, there are some differences from v11. The main difference is you have to include .cache where before you didn’t.
This code sends a message to all users in the current guild. The message sent is everything after: PREFIXdmall (prefix is defined in index.js), but will not send a message to itself, and the code also checks for ADMINISTRATOR privileges (others are interchangeable, see Discord.js Documentation. I suggest using either ADMINISTRATOR or MANAGE_GUILD!
Comments and suggestions are, as always, most appreciated.